Friday, May 24, 2013

~10 Things I Hate About Twilight~

Twilight, a love story between a sparkling vampire boy named Edward, and an emotionless human girl named Bella. This movie is very popular amongst young people today, but I feel like it mocks the image of what vampires truly are. Here are ten things I hate about Twilight:

  1. Vampires do NOT sparkle in the sun!
  2. Kristen Stewart, otherwise known as Bella, barely shows any emotion.
  3. There is way too much romance in the story.
  4. Robert Pattinson, otherwise known as Edward, doesn't even like Twilight!
  5. Forget Team: Edward and Team: Jacob, I'm Team: Guy who almost hit Bella with a car.
  6. Twilight fan girls are freaking crazy!
  7. Twilight moms are stalkers...
  8. Shark boy is now wolf boy.
  9. It changed people's perspective of vampires.
  10. Even the worst love stories are better than Twilight.

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