Tuesday, May 14, 2013

~10 Things I Love About My School~

Like I've mentioned in a previous post, I am currently a junior in high school and am attending Diamond Oaks. Here are ten things I love about my school:
  1. The classes are easy and are, in most cases, a lot of fun.
  2. My grades have improved majorly since I came here.
  3. The teachers are awesome.
  4. It's not that big of a school so there aren't that many people.
  5. Students are nice and don't cause me problems.
  6. Hardly any fights happen.
  7. There are lots of field trips! (Depending on what lab you're in)
  8. We get out earlier than most schools.
  9. The halls are quiet most of the time.
  10. I have met so many wonderful friends here.

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